$9000 speaker Orangutan or speaker + amplifier

Hey guys,

Wanted to see if I could get your opinion on this question I am noodling over.

I really need a speaker upgrade. Of all the speakers I have heard (which are not many) I really like Devore Orangutan (Priced $8000-$12000).

I also liked Harbeth (SHL5).

Am wondering if I should get the the Harbeth (used) and buy a nice set of new amps (Coincident Dragon $6500). Which could cost me about the same as a new pair of Devore Orangutan (cannot find them used).

So my question is :
Devore Orangutan + Pass Aleph 3 (my current amp)
Harbeth SHL5 + Coincident Dragon

What do you think ?

My current system.

Clearaudio Concept
Triode TRX-1 Preamp
Triode DAC
Pass Aleph 3
Pyle pro phono amp ($15)
Stager silver interconnects.
Cheapo AQ speaker cables (will move to something silver soon).
Vienna Acoustics Haydn

I mostly listen to Jazz, Indian Classical, Piano, Vocals

Showing 2 responses by atmasphere

The Orangutan is intended to be moderately high efficiency and an easy load for tube amplifiers. A transistor amplifier is not likely to show them off properly- I suspect that the design may not work properly with transistors. (for more on why, see http://www.atma-sphere.com/Resources/Paradigms_in_Amplifier_Design.php.)

Given what I have seen of them, to really make them sing you will want some power, of course a lot depends on your room!
I thought the Orangutans O/96 will go well with SET amps (8-10W), is that not the case ? That would be sad, if so I will not bother with the Devore. My prime interest in this speaker would be to get a chance to try out SET amps and see what the fuss is all about.

Essrand, as you have seen from the responses an SET might be a very good idea to try out with this speaker. A lot is going to depend on your room- in a bigger room you are going to need more power and an SET may not work so well then. Generally to get the best out of an SET you want the speaker to be very efficient so that the amp does not make over about 20-25% of its full power. That way the low distortion/inner detail of the amp will be best shown off.

We have customers running that speaker too, so from our point of view the speaker is very tube friendly, enough so that a small OTL works just fine on it. The speaker is pretty revealing, so whatever amp you get, you will want to give it your best shot.