$8k for speakers - new or used

With an $8k budget, what floor standing speaker would you recommend?  Currently have B&W 804 D3.  Levinson #333 amp, McIntosh pre amp.  Thx


Showing 3 responses by fastfreight

+1 @jasonbourne71   Revel Salon 2's while you can find them.  Used should be about 9K.  We agree this time!  :)

Hello OP and @steve59 

Why does everyone tell everybody else to buy what they own? 

Honestly just speaking from experience.  I have owned three pairs of N802s and a pair of N803s. I still have the one pair of N802s.  To me, this was the heyday for B and W speakers.  The Revel Salon 2's are, to me smoother and sweeter sounding than any of the 802s, play deep and large in a big room, and never make me cringe.  I can not say that about the Persona or recent D series of Bowers and Wilkins, and I have demoed both several times.  Just my opinions.