+1 @jasonbourne71 Revel Salon 2's while you can find them. Used should be about 9K. We agree this time! :)
Showing 3 responses by fastfreight
Of course @jnovak ! But some are not so good at picking girlfriends! :) |
Honestly just speaking from experience. I have owned three pairs of N802s and a pair of N803s. I still have the one pair of N802s. To me, this was the heyday for B and W speakers. The Revel Salon 2's are, to me smoother and sweeter sounding than any of the 802s, play deep and large in a big room, and never make me cringe. I can not say that about the Persona or recent D series of Bowers and Wilkins, and I have demoed both several times. Just my opinions. |