845 Dilema

I've been very happy using Shuguang 845B tubes in my deHavilland Aries 845G amps.
But like 99% of us I read great things about the newer 845's
and get to wondering if I should try something new.
Namly Elrog,Psvane WE 845 or Sofia 845 MK3
I know that many have listened to or own the above mentioned but has anyone actually had a shoot out with these tubes.
I would like to hear your thoughts and the amp(s) that were used.
Many Thanks

Showing 1 response by sounds_real_audio

Your Aries 845's are really special amplifiers. Not sure that someone with other 845's would even be able to tell you how new and different tubes would sound in your mono blocks. I did have a customer who had the deHavilland IOS and had his tubes Cryogenically treated and really though that made a pretty big and good difference.