802d + Carver 350

Hi All,I would like to know if these would work well together. These speakers are hard to drive, but I really would like to switch to tube amps, and these seem to be the minimum I would want to use wattage wise, that is within my budget.Not much info out there on the Carvers

 In best Mandalorian voice. “This is the way”

 those Carver 350s’ are amazing, plenty of power!
   Get a reference on a great preamp, probably solid state to balance and tighten the bottom end just a smidge. 
 Great idea!    Sounds like you know what you want!?!!


when you have a couple weeks of listening, chime back, let us know how great your stereo sounds/feels.
I'm sure your speakers are (as decooney say a great pre amp like an Octave 10 Audio)  worthy of the 350s (Emma and Sheena) are my pair.  They will drive those speakers like a rented mule (no animal cruelty meant) Call Frank or Bob.  If you need a Phone # pm me 
Plenty of power, big transformers, with some drive.  You are talking about a pair of the 350 monos for your 802d speakers, correct? If so, I'd call Carver and ensure you get a worthy preamp to drive the monos properly.  
