I love the old VT231 tubes!

The best sounding 6SN7GT ever...Sylvania, Raytheon, RCA, Ken Rad Etc.  They may still be found, if you have $$$!!  Where can I find true NOS VT231s?  Any favorites that I missed? 

(TS never made a VT231 - but their old black glass tubes with oval micas sound great!)


I just put a 6F8G in my amp and I think I like it better.  Seems to have tightened up the bass.

RCA black glass.

Brent Jessee, great source of information, huge selection, good guy to deal with.....he doesn't give his stuff away, but he has the inventory

I know this is not really what you're asking but I have a VTA SP-14 and just replaced the 4 6sn7's with 7n7's (you'll need a base adapter, readily available on ebay). A much more open and detailed sound with no etching of the treble. The bass seems a tiny bit looser but still powerful and tuneful. Very impressed!

I also tired four different kind of 7n7 out of curiosity 2 years ago.


Although they sound clear and detailed but lack overall musicality compared with vt231 or 6f8g tunes.


Thus no more interest in 7n7.



But 7n7 tubes are reasonably priced.


Thus you may try them for fun or different flavor.


You never know until you try them in your system.

