6SN7 suffixes

I'm using 6SN7's in my Atma-sphere equipment. I was curios about the multitude of letter suffixes that follow the 6SN7 tube type.

Showing 2 responses by fatparrot

Gunbei, I was more interested in the designation of GT, GTA, GTB, W, and VT-231, and what they actually mean. I am pretty happy with the voicing of the Sylvania VT-231's in my system.

What have been your experiences rolling the various 6SN7's? Why does everyone seem to rave about the Sylvania metal bases or the Sylvania "chrome domes"?
Thanks all! Charliee, I use Andy at Vintage Tube Services, as I feel that he is the "go to guy" for all things tubes. I usually speak to him over the phone, so I hadn't been to his website since I switched to a high speed cable modem. Loading with my previous molasses slow modem speed and ancient computer, it could take awhile to download.

Yeah, there's some good stuff there. Here's a link, so others can see why those want tubes go to Andy:
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