You have went to the trouble of researching me on Agon quite well. My complements to your industrious ambitions.
As far as what I have.....
I have done much traveling in the last 3 years and have sold all but my Meadowlarks. So basically I am starting over. Now the room I will be using for audio is not so large 16' X 15 'True the Kestrels are at 89db but, me being a person that works with things that are measured in db reference all day long, believe that I can get away with some things in regards to " what can or what will work "
I have long read about ( but have never heard ) the 300B tube. I thought perhaps if I could find the 300B in a PP setup running between 20-40 watts I could make it work in my system. I'm sure if I tried this by simply disconnecting something such as the V4's I would immediately feel I was robbed of certain aspects of my music. But I thought by finding a good integrated ( price wise ) I could hopefully enjoy the beauty of the 300B. I notice used 300B integrateds on Agon occasionally and thought I might try my luck with one. If i enjoyed the sound I could upgrade my speakers and even go to a SET 300B. I know it is possible after all my fuss I could very well go back to Quicksilver perhaps on a smaller scale of amp such as the Mid-Mono. But one never knows if is afriad to try.
Of course if there is someone out there that is crazy enough to let me demo their ( dealers included ) 300B amp. Feel free to write me :)