6922 Tubes for Raysonic CD128

I am looking for a replacement set of tubes for the new Raysonic CD128 CD player. They are of the 6922 variety and I am looking for something that is going to add killer dynamics and bass impact.

Try some 6N23P SSW from Russia or Ukraine.  1975 Reflectors are the sweet spot.  Best bass I've every heard in a 6922 6DJ8 type tube and I've rolled many, many..
Best dynamics, Holland E88CC, bass Amperex USA 7308.
More linear having both and more than above qualities a 6n23p 1974-1979 period.

I prefer the Amperex.  My understanding is, and I very possibly have this reversed, the two inside tubes are for XLR outs and two outside for RCA outs.