6550 to KT88

I switched out my EH6550's to JJ KT88's yesterday in my Rogue M120's, quite a difference from the get go...much better bass, sound stage is wide/deeper and overall I like the way they reproduce the music better... so now I'm wondering if the KT90's will be any better? Anyone go from the 88's to the 90's and stay with the 90's? Thanks for your comments.
Ag insider logo xs@2xtimson
I have a solution for your problem: biamp! Run your midrange-tweets with the GEC KT-88s and your woofer with the KT-90s.
Not a bad idea, JT! If I still had my Triangle Antals I'd consider it--they had separate mid and bass drivers. The Meadowlarks can be biamped, but they're two ways so the GECs would only handle the tweeters. But hey, if I get more three-way speakers maybe I'll give it a shot. I'll need another KT88-based power amp, though...hmmm, maybe I can sell one of my livers.

The JJ KT88's may surprise you, I guess until I get a set of the 90's I can't give you a good comparison. Buying 8 to find out I like the 88's better gets a bit expensive, although I don't know what I'm complaining about, I must have 6 sets of IC's I don't use. I need to put some of them up for sale here on Audiogon one of these days.
I have a rogue audio zues that came with the EH6550's. I was expecting the EHKT88. I was wondering if there is a big difference in sound staging and bass by going to the KT88, also which KT88 is the most well rounded? Has anyone tried the SED pearl cryo valve svkt88. The info I have read is that they are best modern production KT88. Kind of pricey for a new tube,$145.00 a pair. I have read good things about the jj KT88 and the winged 'c' KT88 from the original svetlana plant in russia. I have been thinking about trying the kt88 or KT90, but it sounds like the kt90 is going in the wrong direction. Are the electro harmonix kt88s better than the 6550s?
Be very very careful with the JJ KT88s. Their reliability was a disaster for me with them not lasting more than 6 or so months. Upon destruction, they launched a power resistor in the amp (ARC VT130) each time. I went back to 6550s, lost a little of the midrange warmth but gained a more neutral tonal balance and reliability to boot.