6000 dollars CD player

 I am planning to buy CD player with out SACD , classical music as main listen ing.  Components are Accuphase C2850. + A47+Harbeth SHL 5 ,40th.  I like reliable, trouble free gear with good CP.

Showing 1 response by ggc

If you are committed to getting a CDP look Brands and Models that have a VRDS
(Very Rigid Disc Clamping System) Transport and Sony KSS Laser.

VRDS was developed by TEAC and is used by the worlds finest CD players like Wadia, Krell, Spectral, DCS, Esoteric, Tascam, and TEAC.
Top of line: full metal,
Middle one: metal-carbon composite hybrid
Cheap one : full plastic.

I would say that Esoteric is your best bet for your budget
Check out - just above your budget

NEO was the best VRDS ever produced 

DCS Vivaldi One

Good luck