6000 dollars CD player

 I am planning to buy CD player with out SACD , classical music as main listen ing.  Components are Accuphase C2850. + A47+Harbeth SHL 5 ,40th.  I like reliable, trouble free gear with good CP.

Showing 11 responses by faust168

Tks for the kind introduction.  Some one said, DP-430 is the DP-560 gets rid of SACD, I don't know whether is it true or not.  But one audio shop owner told me that  the CD sound on DP-560 is better than DP-430.
The distributor told me they are running out of stock.  And next production is unknown for short of parts such as semi conductor,Maybe.
lalitk.  Tks for your reply.  The price is too high over there. In JP, the normal retail price is 600,000JPYen for new one.
Dear Sirs,

Thank you very much for your kind opinion in response. 
Based on your suggestions, I'll consider it more carefully. Eventually, 6000 bucks is not small sum of money.  In fact, I have  a couple of the field listening in one audio shop learned, the shop owner use Estoric K03xd, the latest model with stunning sound reproduction capability, the only problem is the price which would cost 12,000 almost double my budget.  Since I have around 200 pcs. of CD only, and most of my time is spending on video program for news as well as music program, I think the price tag is really too high for me, even I can recognize it capability.

SACD has two disadvantages:
1. much expensive for software.
2. Pick up head easy to have malfunction.

I bought a 2nd Matantz CD player CD16 weighed about 12kg or so  many years ago, the pick up head breakdown after 3 months.
Tks for the replies. According to my limited experience for audio shop listening till now. The best sound CD player is Estoric K03XD, the new model, but which double my budget. In addition, Estoric player will sound better with the adding of clock which push up the carrying cost even more higher. Though, I am much appreciated the sound it can produce, but I can’t afford the sky rocking price indeed.

Also, when you consider the possible replacement of the CD player, the famous model would be able to sell for good re-selling price just like reputable 2nd hand car.
I ask local Accuphase Distributor to lend DP-570 for home listening test. Still wait for the arrangement for I can do test on weekends only.


I listened to the Estoric N-05XD on dealer's site together with Brumeister 077 pre, Accuphase A46 and Brumeister speaker  B18.
The sound of Beggar's Opera (2nd song in CD of the streaming in Harmonica Muti), the guitar is sweet, good shape, project a scale in it's size, detail with air finish.  And then, change the N-05xd to Estoric K03xd which said to use the same DA. But the sound is different as you can aware.  I make a phone call to the distributor, the engineer staff said that though the DA is the same in structure, but the parts is a bit different and the K03XD is older products. The N05xd is brand new. That makes the difference in sound reproduction. The price of the 2 difference around US$2000.  Certainly , I prefer N-05xd sound more. But since I am short of CD player, I might be forced to take CP value into consideration. 

Thank you for your kind concern. Due to Accuphase DP Player 570 was in shortage supply then. I bought Estoric K03XD last year.

It cost US$11,000.

The sound is pretty good. When I play with Accuphase C2850 + A47 + Harbeth super HL 5 (40th), it can produce pleasant and more live like sound after 2 and half hours listening.