$6 Million Dollar Man?

Hope you saw on HGTV the guy in Redding Ct with a $6 million system. It included $1 million of tube Mac amps, $1 million of speakers and his own dual NASA power supply transformers. The electric bill was $1,000 a month just for the system, which when you think about it was rather inexpensive. We need to get this fellow to put up his system on the 'gon, as it will assign all the rest of us to the hopeless class.

Showing 2 responses by sounds_real_audio

I heard that system and I thought it sounded a little thin in the midrange.

He might want to add another subwoofer as well to add some foundation to the bass.

Admranger is right.

If I had that money I would bring in Lady Gaga.. No not really

I take that back, I would resurrect Bill Haley and the Comets.