$5K KUZMA TONEARM FOR ONLY $690! Gryphon Diablo for Only $699!

Audiogon is being infested by scammers! These are obviously fake ads designed to steal your hard-earned dollars. The thing that really irks me is that they were allowed to be posted. They all come from new members with zero feedback.


Showing 1 response by clearthinker

Scammers will always be with us.

As they are rarely caught the best solution is to drastically up the penalties for those who are.  The US is very good at severe penalties.  Shall we say 3 years prison for a first offence, 20 years for the second?

But we must just all be on our toes and operate safeguards.  As has been said, if the offer is a crazy bargain it must be a scam.  Scammers rely on our greed.