45 Amps

Who here is using or was ever using one of these amps? Which one was it? Do you still use it? If not why?
I have a set that I built up. I started with SET but then went to push-pull with them. The push-pull circuit sounds **way** better, but there are no p-p 45-based amps in production.
Deja Vu Audio Push-Pull 45/2a3. Simply amazing. This is where you go after you are done with the "brands" and are really seeking true music. Have fun. It is a great journey.
Yes, for the last 7 or 8 years I've owned a 45 AMP. First one was Wavelength Geminia monoblocks and currently have a Yamamoto. You will need efficient speakers and it's probably not the ideal amp for large scale (Mahler or Bruckner)symphonies. Given those caveats, the 45 is a wonderful tube that provides lots of SET magic.
I just started using an Electra-Fidelity Sliver 45 SE integrated in my system this past weekend. Although I've been listening to it for the past year in various iterations as it is an amp that is manufactured by my partner and that I will be selling commercially shortly.

If you have speakers that can do justice to 1.5 watts or so of SET amplification (at least 95dB and more realistically 98dB+) I suggest you give one a listen. Also, with the SET 45's there are some tradeoffs and Sibelius mentioned one of them. You should take that into consideration.