432 EVO

Thought I would start this thread to gauge interest in this network streamer. I have been following it for a little while now. Just wondered if anyone else had this on their radar. Any comments from current owners would be great.


Showing 8 responses by djones51

I believe it stores at the native format and changes the Hertz during playback. Seems like a niche product for the 432hz conspiracy folks.
Like I said if the original music was played in 432 when it was recorded then you're hearing true 432 music. You can download 432hz converters you can change it in Windows player or Audicity as well as others. But you're not getting a true 432hz recording and this niche product is marketed for that niche crowd of 432hz nuts. 
I did read their website and the "details" they point out are mostly twaddle. I have listened to a number of digital components. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Now I might not agree with you or with the opinion of a lot of these subjective reviewers but this item is clearly marketed to the 432hz crowd 
You can get converters to change the Hertz to 432. Unless the music was played and recorded at 432 it's going to sound off. Anyway it's much ado about nothing. 
If you've never heard of the 432hz conspiracy hoax then I don't know what to tell you. I don't even know where to start with 432hz tuning as it's so nonsensical. Yes at one time 432hz was used of course so was a dozen other Hertz. It was changed so many times because different societies couldn't agree even on 432 some claimed that the temperature was wrong when they tuned so it wasn't true 432. Temperature does make a big difference which is why an orchestra could tune to A4 at 432 but if the temperature varies during the concert it will change the Hertz or the Hertz could be different depending on what instrument was used to tune the others to. There is this new age gobbledygook going around that 432 is more natural and healing, it's more popular in Europe. 
I am not a member of those other forums or FB. The only other forum I use is ASR.
Why 432hz? Why can't it be switched to 435hz or 430.5hz? I have no interest in conversing with conspiracy theorists on the merits of 432hz. If it was something more than twaddle then this device would be able to switch to any preferred Hertz instead of 432 only. The fact this Hertz was chosen isn't by accident but a continuation of the nonsense surrounding it. It would be no more productive than discussing the spherical shape of the earth with flat earthers.