4 8 or 16 ohms.

Hi group I just purchased the Audio Research REF 750s mono amps. On the back for the speaker terminals are 3 sets of binding posts. 4 8 and 16 ohms. I will be using B&W Matrix 800 speakers. I believe they are 8 ohms but not 💯 sure. I looked in the manual but can’t find anything about ohms. Someone said to me it does not matter what ohms I connect my speakers to. He said just use the ones (ohms) that sound best. Does that seem right to do ? I don’t want to damage my speakers or amps.  BTW if it matters I will be using an Audio Research REF 6SE pre amp. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

Showing 1 response by dekay

As already mentioned try them all (I’ve been surprised with what I preferred on my old Pilot 232 and 240 amps).

I don’t know if it’s available as a poster, but the cover of "Tales of the Beanworld" No. 4 would be interesting considering the cosmetics of the 800’s.


