3D Printed records??? Apparently it's happening... Check dis out, vinyl fans...!


Showing 1 response by williewonka

Possible? - anything is possible, just look at the new 8K TV’s - and Sony has a huge 63 foot 16k TV, released back in September 2019

Trouble is the size of the digital file to print an album - I’m not talking the music file - I mean the digital file that contains the digital information to construct the details in the groves etc...

So, my other hobby is photography and the size of the images over the years has increased tremendously.

Again I’m not talking about the sensor and RAW image from the camera, but the image you must create and send to the store to get an image printed.
e.g. a friend just had a 53" x 36" image printed and that digital file was 500 meg.

I have one image, granted a very large one, that is over 1 gig.

To actually 3D print an album would take a massive amount of data to achieve the detail required and consequently a huge amount of time to process that data.

But - memory is getting cheaper and we are bordering on super computers in our homes.

So maybe it’s not so far off after all ?
- remember when PC's first became mainstream - with a 10 meg hard drive - yikes!

It could mean - the end of bad pressings? - Finally !

But it was a great video and had me - right up to the reveal.

I’ve never seen Steve so "pumped" - he sold it well :-)

Thanks for posting it - it was a great little diversion from - "Self Isolation" and "Social Distancing"

Regards - Steve