3D Bluray players and Tvs

The Samsung rep set up a new 46" 3D flat pannel along with the 3D BR player at local shop and the 3D set up drawed a lot of attention. While I am not an early adopter, I cound not thinking about all my BR players from Pio Elite, Denon and Onkyo would be obsolete soon.

What do you think?

Showing 1 response by rcrerar

I don't remember anyone comparing Bluray with SCAD, and if anyone did they're a fool. This is the classic apples and oranges argument. SACD and DVD-Audio were always going to be audiophile niche products, and nothing else, despite Sony's hype at the start. The mainstream population has never been interested in higher sound quality in any large numbers, surround sound or not, and never will be. Video on the other hand is a completely different story. Everyone owns a T.V. and with sales of large flat screen HDTV's being as high as they are,at least one high def disc based format was guaranteed to take off. Sony had to win one eventually. This 3D thing is primarily, in it's present form anyway, a gimmick. The only chance it has to succeed in my opinion is if the gaming community embraces it wholeheartedly, and that is far from guaranteed.