3D Bluray players and Tvs

The Samsung rep set up a new 46" 3D flat pannel along with the 3D BR player at local shop and the 3D set up drawed a lot of attention. While I am not an early adopter, I cound not thinking about all my BR players from Pio Elite, Denon and Onkyo would be obsolete soon.

What do you think?

Showing 4 responses by gmood1

Don't forget front projectors! I would love to own a 3D capable PJ! As with all electronics, most are obsolete when they're first released IMO! ;-)
Very doubtful this will fade Theo. With gaming being such a large and profitable market. 3D technology is here to stay. It will only get better as time passes.

Let us not forget all the folks that said Blu ray was just a fad like SACD. In the end, it will all go digital downloads..whether the old school fellows like it or not.

You have new 3D networks rising, ESPN is one of them. There's too much money at stake for the industry to just let this one fade away.
Apparently you haven't been on this forum long my friend if you haven't seen the comparisons made by naysayers of Blu-ray.

Panasonic just announced a few days ago they sold out of 3-D Tvs in America. So again...3Ds not going to fade anytime soon.
How so is it a gimmick? Keep dreaming Jwm...thats a helluva
gimmick worth billions of dollars. All video card makers are
on the bandwagon. The largest movie studios and game
makers have already come on board.

Movie studios grossed more this year than any in history
because of 3D.