$39K for the Linn Klimax DAC/streamer?

It has to be set up using a special service and there is no manual? I guess this for the very wealthy few who do not care about "gear." I would rather buy a car with this money, or part of a Porsche, and set up my own DAC/streamer. But Stephen Scarf at Absolute Sound says.."unquestionably the best combination DAC/streamer I've ever heard, bar none." Great hyperbole, may hold true for a month or two, then some other over-priced bit of kit comes along..
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Showing 2 responses by headphonedreams


just that you can not extract more from any streaming source than is there 

I don't really see how this would be different from an amp, a speaker or a turntable. Do you think those can extract more than there is in the source?

And funnily enough, streamers and dacs may be the one thing that can easiest improve the source quality by using technologies like the Chord Hugo M Scaler does. We can discuss if it sounds better or not but it tries to make the output sound better than the input.