$39K for the Linn Klimax DAC/streamer?

It has to be set up using a special service and there is no manual? I guess this for the very wealthy few who do not care about "gear." I would rather buy a car with this money, or part of a Porsche, and set up my own DAC/streamer. But Stephen Scarf at Absolute Sound says.."unquestionably the best combination DAC/streamer I've ever heard, bar none." Great hyperbole, may hold true for a month or two, then some other over-priced bit of kit comes along..
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Showing 4 responses by gerryah930

I do not agree that the so-called ascendent class "demand the best." If this was accurate, then why did the DeVos family, the Waltons, Bill Clinton, Rupert Murdoch and those other knuckleheads invest in the "vapor-ware" being pushed by Theranos? Talk about a lack of any due diligence! 
noromance- As a member of the "ascendant class", I have to say that your inclusion of an "or" as a Boolean operator is nonsense! 


You are right. I have pretty expensive Wilson speakers - so I am guilty of what I have been complaining about. 

For some reason, and it may be that because I have worked with computer networks much of my life, a ~$40k streamer struck me as too much money, but it is all relative!



My apologies for the initiation of this wayward thread! I was just responding as a scientist who has worked with computers in biology and medicine their entire life.

As a lifelong amateur musician, having played in almost every type of ensemble ranging from rock bands to string orchestras, it is my view that there is little sonic room left to improve music reproduction beyond the best of what is available now. I am lucky to have such a system, but I remain suspicious of expensive new products (and reviewers in audio magazines and on youtube) that continue to claim that every new gadget that comes along is the best thing since sliced bread.

As a scientist, and thankfully not an engineer, I realize that most of these recent claims are specious, but I will try and stop posting incendiary topics. Thanks...