Don't understand English, maybe I should switch to French.
Current speakers are Michael Green Audio Rev80i free resonance design. Let's say their sound signature is close enough to Grado RS-1 wooden headphones. I play at moderate levels, many kinds of music but not hard rock or big orchestras.
I don't tolerate bright or "stupid" hi-fi kind of sound. Midrange must be right or I won't listen. Going down confidently to 35 hz would be enough. Soundstage is very important, the space should be "heard" and felt.
corelli, this is the first time that I "meet" someone who is familiar with these speakers. Yes, set up is critical, and if you push them too far they get out of control. But at moderate level with especially smaller scale acoustic music they sound quite good, acoustic guitar and vocals are convincing. VAC Avatar SE is an excellent match, Purist Audio cabling.
Devore Nine..
bjesien, thank you, this sounds interesting.
Tekton speakers..I usually don't like Eric's posts here and his preferences of electronics.
No horns either, again, not for me.
If we could go into the details, assuming the same Avatar amp, what difference would I hear between same level ProAc, Tannoy, DeVore, Sonus Faber and AudioPhysics ? Going from $3500 to $5000 might be a possibility but I must be sure it is worth it.
Yeah, I remember I didn't like the sound of old Sonus Faber for the reasons that ghdprentice stated. I also thought they were sort of primitive sounding but this might've been because of the electronics they were used with.
I thought that Dynaudio required a lot of power to sound best, they are usually used with powerful transistor amp, I heard.
No panel speakers, please, not my kind of sound. Well, except maybe top SoundLabs.
Never heard Silverline speakers. Bolero could be appealing. Thank you for the suggestion.
As I mentioned, there is no rush at all. In fact, if I could find Michael Green Audio's top Chameleon speakers, that would be great. They are impossible to find.
Besides, I usually start threads not only for myself to get advice and suggestions, I try to initiate interesting and helpful discussion on a variety of audiophile subjects.
But no one so far describes the sound of their recommended speakers.
Well, after 25 years I might want to upgrade even if I still like the speakers.
Rooms will be changing, that's not part of the equation here, they should sound good in any but very small or very big room.
I see. I agree, coherence is very important, single driver speaker without flaws is an almost unachievable goal.
Yes, choosing Tannoy would be a very complicated matter, especially if you can't audition them. I also understand that the better ones will go over $5k used .
That would make things more complicated and probably more expensive. Integrating subwoofers can be a challenge. I like coherence. But theoretically yes, I have enough room for that.
60 good tube watts is not little at all for a medium size room. The amp sounds quite powerful with the current speakers.
everhard, appreciate your suggestion. I have not heard Andra but read about them. How they would work with my amp is something that I can't really know.
Yeah, I'll keep my current speakers in any case for as long as they can be kept operational. So far, as I upgrade amps and cables they sound better and better. In fact, they are very sensitive to even very minor changes, and I like this. the entire system is very tunable.
This is quite a range of very different speakers. From British ProAc, Tannoy and Fyne to Italian Sonus Faber and Rosso to American Devore, Silverline, Varndersteen and others to French JM Labs.
How do you choose if buying used and can't really audition most of them?
And again, no one describes the sound of their recommended speakers in details.
Like mulveling, I prefer simpler speakers with as few drivers as possible. And that's what I currently have - 1" silk dome tweeter and 8" woofer, both made by Vifa.
Now why do I get tired of seeing the tekton name all over the place? Enough.
No, it was not directed towards you.
ATC would probably need more power than 60 tube watts to drive them easily.
Thank you.
ProAc 3.8 is within this price range. Would they match well with my amp ? I have no idea.