300B tubes

I'm considering tube rolling on my Nagra 300p. It comes with 4 JJ 300bs, and I am curious about the Gold Lion re-issue 300B (had a great experience with their KT88s in the past). I am also considering the re-issued GE 300B and the Shuguang Treasure. Reliability and sound are both required in this price range. No troubles with the JJ - just curious to experiment.

I've read prior threads and searched the net. Thus far, very little on the Gold Lions, lots on the Shuguangs. Cheers and thanks.

Showing 1 response by charles1dad

One thing to keep in mind is that some 300b tubes mate better with certain amps than others.
In general I can state that the Shuguang Treasure 300b has been a wonderful tube with my amps. Superb sound(very natural-organic) and ultra reliable nearly daily use for more than 2 years and not a single issue, none!Worth every penny IMO.
The Sophia Royal Princess has gotten great reviews and could be very special but it`s quite expensive(1200 USD).
In that price range there`s the Japanese Takatsuki 300b to consider.
Best of Luck,