3-Way Crossover's and Amp selection?

I am having my Modified NEAR M50's with an Outboard Active Crossover Network being setup now and am wondering what I might use for Amps.I will be getting used amps.

First I have a Question pertaining to using Tubes.
Why are Tubes normally used to drive the Tweeter's when all the things I have read associate tubes for magnificent Midrange ,but that they Cutoff the extension of both Bass and High Frequency extreme's? It would sound to me that they would be better used to for the Midrange driver's and use SS for the Tweeter's and Bass Driver's.

The Amps I have gotten feedback to use for the NEARs which are Metal Driver's are.

White Audio\Llano
Mark Lev's

I have a Modified B&K ST-202 that I will use either on the tweeter's or Midrange driver's.

What amps that are economical would you think would be good matches to use in a Vertical Amp configuration.It was only recently that I decided on using a 3-Way Active for my setup.

Any thought's or experiences would be helpful.


Showing 1 response by tpsonic

It would be best to use other B+K amps to keep the sonic and imaging characters in tact.Depth and ambience cues are portrayed differently,depending on design.I assume that you will then remove the internal crossovers?