3 Tonearms 1 preamp

My question is how to switch between each tonearm without moving interconnects around.I have found very inexpensive audio input selectors but they are so cheaply made they would surprise me to be usable-especially after you have spent so much on everything else.
At present I have 1 phono preamplifier that has only 1 in and out.
I started this project installing 3 tonearms on a custom plinth and I guess I didn't think it thru before I started.
Good Point Veridian. This is the reason I posted the question. The problem is looked at from others and the solution is thought thru. I have one question though, how does a phono pre with multiple inputs arrive at this without switches, wires and jacks in the path?
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I had a similar dilema, three tables and one phono section, a Fon Lo Thingee by Blue Circle. I liked it so much I had a custom Phono section made by Blue Circle that incorporated three Fon Lo Thingee Phono sections put into a "Proper Box" with a Grayhill three position selector switch going to one output. Each phono section has its own input with selectable gain and loading. The design utlized the existing Biggee power supply and SP capacitor pack to save a few dollars. I think it is really great and perfect solution for me.
Thanks everyone.
With my budget I think that the idea of adding a selector switch and phono jacks at the preamp is the way to go. I will get the switch and jacks from an old receiver. No real estate on the pre so I'll make a box that rests on top and will enter thru the rca holes once the jacks are removed and hard wire direct. If I ever want to trade to another pre it will be simple to restore to original. Anything I have overlooked or need to consider is welcomed and encouraged.