3 speaker cable options - what to choose?

Hi guys,
First of all, I new here, it's my first post, nice to meet you all.
Now to business:
I am looking to upgrade my current speaker cables (VDH cs-122)to something much better.
I have narrowed down my choices to 3 options:
1. Audio Art sc-5(se)
2. Morrow Audio sp-5
3. Clear Day Shotgun
My budget is $250-$350 and all three fall within this price range (either new or used), the ClearDay is a bit cheaper than the other 2, but the double shotgun version is out of my price range.
My speakers are 88db, 8ohms yet quite power hungry.

Which option will give me the best sound?
Any advice, especially from someone who's had a chance to here more than one of them, would be highly appreciated.


Showing 9 responses by behemot

Electronics will be replaced later this year, not now. This a different scale of budget we're talking about. Currently I want to finalize the SC upgrade.
I forgot to mention that I live outside the USA so there is no option for me to audition any of the cables, this will have to be a blind buy - hence the experience sharing request.
My speakers are Aurum Cantus Volla powered by a Tag Mclaren power amplifier (the amplification would probably upgraded within a year or so to a hybrid integrated solution or a tube pre-amp with a SS high current power).
Currently I want more details and air between the instruments, and that the sound would be more "alive".
Is the double shotgun worth the extra cost or should I stick with one of the other two?
I don't want to compromise and regret later on...
As I said, anplificataion is not going to be replaced soon, I am actually quite happy with the current setup, and feel that a minor tweak is due.
Since the SC are the weakest link I thought to upgrade them.
The question remains: under the current setup, which of the alternatives will yield the greatest improvement?
It's hard to convince myself that these tiny Clearday shitguns will deliver with my inefficient speakers, yet they are highly praised here in audiogon.
The Audio Art seem more conventional cables, but I have never got a chance to try them out either.
Then there are the morrows, with their endless levels, thus leaving me confused...
Zd542 - I want to enjoy my music today, not just a year from now, that's why I want a pair of cables I won't have to upgrade a year from now.
Leaning towards the Clear day double shotgun despite the price
Jmcgrogan - Yup, that's the spirit, everything's much clearer now - just what I was looking for. thanks for the tip. (regardless of the fact that my setup sounded much much better when I hooked up a pair of Gabriel Gold Revelations I borrowed from a friend, an experiment that taught me that speaker cables CAN make a difference, and that my electronics are fine, a bit lacking in power but nonetheless willing and able. But hey, I've already made up my mind, right?).
I guess that's a mistake I'll make as a part of my learning process, as foolish as it may sound, sometimes the best lessons are the one's you learn from your own experience.
In this case it is likely to save me from questionable future upgrades...
Nonetheless I do expect an improvement from the switch.
Amplification upgrade is nothing but a vague plan for the future, nothing concrete.
If I'll love what I'm hearing, no further change will be necessary (except for experiments for curiosity's sake).

Anyway, although it didn't change my nor helped me choose, this discussion had still taught me something. Good enough.
Thanks guys
Pulled the trigger om a pair of Clear Day Double Shotguns & jumpers.
Let's see what change these babies bring to the music...
If they would only ship acroos the globe that would indded be the ultimate solution...