3 Ingredients to a Healthy Audio Community

Through my own personal audio journey, I have learned to value and hopefully embody 3 qualities: humility, respect, and a sense of community. I hope to inspire dialogue about how our lovable audio community can be more like a (functional) family, and less like NBA players talking trash (no offense intended to basketball lovers).

I've learned the hard way that most, if not all, of my preconceived notions about audio have been wrong. For instance, let's talk about cables. I used to think that they had no bearing on sound quality. But, when I actually tried cables that used scientifically researched and proven technology, I had to admit that they do in fact make a huge difference. What I needed was to approach new technology with more humility, realizing that my opinions may be wrong and that other's thoughts and experiences are just as valid as my own. In fact, others' who have actually tried something that I have not have a much more valid perspective than I do, since they have first-hand experience and I do not.

There's a word for this attitude -- respect, that's right. I definitely need more of it, especially online where I don't actually know anyone else and they don't know me. I struggle with this one. If I feel someone is wrong, I want to hop right in and call them out. But, I don't know that person. I don't know if they are new to audio, or an experienced engineer. I don't know their qualifications or experiences. And, I don't know what they're going through in their life. So, who the hell am I to say that they are wrong and/or that I am right?

If I can nail the above two character qualities, I can help contribute to our community of music and audio lovers and not just leech off of it. If we all work to exhibit more humility and respect, we can forget about who's right or wrong, and just focus on helping each other enjoy what we have, and hope to have. For ultimately, this hobby is not about correctness but about emotionally engaging with and enjoying music, both individually and collectively.

Showing 3 responses by whipsaw

FWIW, you can watch the responses to this post to see who takes it seriously, who rebukes it, and who makes fun of it. That’s a big clue as to who to be on guard against and/or who to ignore or take with a grain of salt (or shot of vodka).
Claims of "virtue signaling", like "conspiracy theory", are frequently used in disingenuous attempts to avoid arguing the substance of the matter.
Humility, could use less ego around here and fewer condescending attitudes.
I'd suggest avoiding the Harbeth User Group forum for that very reason. And especially if you happen to believe that there are audible differences between different cables, DACs, CD transports, or low-distortion amplifiers.