"Appears one of the owners lives in a condo above the store and was able to scream at the looters."
I wonder what he was screaming? Regardless, incidents like this are proof that we need to institute a policy of gun control. And quickly. |
If you have a gun, you control who steals your stereo system. |
"03-05-15: Onhwy61 Taters, what's wrong with you? A gun is the solution to every problem in America. The NRA says so."
We finally agree on something. It seems like I've underestimated you. Well said.
Guns are like tubes and cables. Everyone says you won't fix any problems with them. Don't knock um till you try them. |
"03-06-15: Nonoise Here, on this site, I was operating under the mistaken assumption that folk here were of a higher caliber."
I agree. Like Czarivey says, you don't want to leave any lawsuits lying around. You want the gun to activate life insurance policies, not health insurance. |
"03-07-15: Nonoise I thought Sharia law was banned in Texas."
It is. You can shoot the burglars, not your wife. |
Is this the Audeze robbery,or is that a different one? |
"03-28-15: Schubert If there were enough decent jobs for all paying enough to raise a family problems would be largely gone.Self- righteous comments above are about symptoms not causes."
You may be right, but I think more jobs would only be a partial fix at best. You need to look at all the different reasons people steal: Drug addicts, gangs, people with background issues and other related activities. If you offered people like this jobs, even if the pay was noticeably higher, do you really think they would take them? I'm sure a few would, but for the most part, I believe most wouldn't. And even if they did, would they even be competent enough to do the job and not get fired? Again, maybe a few would. |
"03-29-15: Schubert Zd542, nothing personal but you simply, for whatever reason, lack the vision to see beyond the static reality you see before you which gives you a distorted image of human nature. Decent jobs for all would not be an instant cure but it would be a sure one."
The only reason my image is distorted is because I don't agree with you. People commit crimes for many reasons. Most of them have nothing to do with being able to get a job. I understand that the economy isn't perfect right now, but there's still more opportunity here in the US than most other places. If you look at the problem objectively, its clear that the poor, criminal or not, don't maximize their opportunities to get ahead. As a society, we just enable the behaviour. There's no better example of what I'm talking about than that TV show Intervention. Every single time they get people to stop what they are doing and go get help, its all done the exact same way. They put people in a position where their behaviour won't be supported any more. Left with no other choice, it forces people to go into rehab. It only works about half the time, but its far more effective than any other solution.
You can't just give things away to people and hope that fixes a problem, even if its a job. The only way a person is going to be successful at any profession is if they want it for themselves. It doesn't matter how much you or I want someone else to succeed. The person that need a job has to want a job. Otherwise you're just pissing in the wind. |
"03-29-15: Schubert Zd542, You are an uneducated fool."
Schubert, you're not right on this one. I graduated college with honours. I'm an educated fool. |
"03-29-15: Nonoise Take a look at income disparities worldwide and you'll see a common thread with every one of them. The countries with the smallest income disparities have the greatest levels of satisfaction, education, health outcomes, the lowest incidences of drug use and teenage pregnancies, lower incarceration rates, and an overall higher standard of living for it's citizens."
That's a pretty general statement. I don't know what countries you are talking about? Not only that, how do you know that income disparity is the cause of all the problems you list? Things like this are never as simple as some people make them out to be. Also, and this just my personal view, but I really don't trust most studies and statistics. Why should I? There's too much influence in the way most studies are funded. Add to that the current political environment, and I see nothing but the potential for bias.
"We are no where near the top and if remember, near the bottom of the middle rankings."
Someone should tell the millions of people tunnelling their way into our country, or climbing over the walls this. Maybe they'll try to get into one of the "good" countries on your list. |
"That statement was simply a result from looking at income disparities and then combing through and collating data and lo! Better lifestyles, higher standards of living, lower crime rates, lower abortion rates, less mental illnesses, better health outcomes and better education were all present in the countries with the least income inequality. There was nothing general about it."
Nothing is that simple.
"What other have stated about simply creating more jobs IS the answer. Keynsian macroeconomics has and still works, if you let it. Our economic situation is not a natural occurrence but one of policy, and policy can change if we (or they) want it to. Sometimes I get the impression that some here enjoy the suffering of others."
I don't want to come across as mean here, but that's ridiculous. An economy based on Keynesian principles can't work. If you think I'm wrong on this, fine. Give me some examples of successful implementation. I can't think of any. |
"A cursory look at it's history and present day use would render your perspective as disingenuous so I chose to think you just don't really know."
You can think whatever you like, but if I'm the one who doesn't know, how come you can't answer a simple question? Since you know this system works as a statement of fact, give me an example of a country where this is in place and successfully working? I don't want to hear someones theory on the matter. Everyone has a theory on something. If you can't do that, then all you're doing is guessing.
"Keynesian economics brought us out of the great depression and gave rise to the "Golden Age of Capitalism"."
Just because our involvement in WW2 helped bring us out of the great depression, doesn't mean our entire country changed over to a Keynesian system. It just means that the war was a catalyst.
At this point, I think we should just leave this topic alone. I'm not going to convince you of anything, and unless you can show me some actual proof, I see no reason to alter my opinion. |
I know I'm pissing in the wind here, but I'll try once more.
"To say that WWII was the stimulus is a bit naive as it, by itself, is not responsible for it. What we did, economically was the answer, and that was government spending on infrastructure, education, housing and business which helped jump start the economy. If we had chosen to not invest there would have been no growth. I just love revisionists."
Naive that WW2 was the stimulus? You make it sound like this was all a well planned exercise in Keynesian theory, implemented in all its glory for the world to see. Why don't we just stick with the facts. Our country was bombed and as a result, we suffered great losses. We then immediately entered the war (that was not a stimulus). How our government spent its resources was not due to Keynes, Capitalism, Communism, Marxism or any other abstract theory. It was the "How do we get the stuff we need to fight this war, as fast as humanely possible." theory. So all you're doing here is putting a label on something that happened, after the fact. Which brings me to my next, and final point.
"Why did we start turning back to Keynes in '07? Why is he getting more and more credit in economic circles. Why are his models being tried again? Why is Krugman making the rounds, globally, lending his expertise to help change the ridiculous course of austerity? Why is it having a positive effect when heeded?"
Why, why, why, can't you finally give me a simple example of a country using this Keynesian system, that's proven to work so well? This time I'm going to answer the question for you, because you obviously can't.
You're talking out your ass.
You're relabelling WW2 something it was not so you don't look like a jackass for suggesting some silly, unproven, moron theory, knowing full well its never been used successfully by anyone, anywhere. |
"03-30-15: Mapman The game of survival is a dilemma. No one theory or solution is likely to resolve it fully. Too many conflicting factors including human nature. Is a game of give and take."
That's a pretty good description of what its like shopping for audio equipment. Especially here in NY.
Thanks for the comments. It's just a matter of common sense, and nothing more. Well that, and he still can't answer the simple question. lol. |