2nd amp or one bigger amp?

Hello to all,
I was a happy owner of a CJ MV-55 amp. I recenty purchased a pair of Martin Logan Sequel IIs from here (A-gon) and things were great. The combanation sounded very nice at lower volumes considering I lived in an apartment. I recently moved into a house and I can play much louder :) BUT the MV-55 does not have enough juice to do that at 45W/channel. Should I consider a second MV-55 for a monoblock operation or sell the MV-55 and get a Premier 11? I'm very tight on budget at this time and the 12s are way over my budget. any advise is greatly appreciated.


Showing 1 response by timo

Keep in mind that if you biamp, you will have to match the impedance and output levels of the amps if they are of different types/models. In your instance with a tight budget, I would go for one larger amp. The 11 is a fair choice.