$27,500 for whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???

$27,500 is a nice chunk of change, even in the audiophile world.  I think we can all agree on this.  You can get a pretty kick ass system for that amount.  I think we can all agree on this, too.  I just read something at stereophile.com that almost...almost made me choke on my triscuit.   Luckily for me, I had water ready to go, knowing how dry those things are.  $27,500 is the price for a paint upgrade, a color called cranberry pearl finish on a pair of speakers made by Wilson, the Chronosonic XVX.   Now, when we hear the name Wilson, we all know what that means.   But come on man,  $27,500 for a paint upgrade. 

Showing 20 responses by andy2

But come on man, $27,500 for a paint upgrade.
Apparently, there are a lot of rich people willing to pay for it otherwise they wouldn't have charged that kind of money in the first place. 

Don't fault Wilson for it.  Blame the money.   

Could we banish all that stuff to a vanity brand forum?
We can call that forum "Commies".

For those who think Wilson speakers are "ugly", two words "Darth Vader". Ugly as hell but the mask has been sold like mad. I am sure they made a lot of money.

It's funny how people all worked up over "subjectivity".
How much do you think Wilson would charge for a wash and wax and detailed?  For that money, I'd like mine cleaned and waxed :-)
$27 G's isn't subjective, it's a fact.
I wouldn't know.  I never had it before :-)
I am sure those who driving Corollas will say the same thing to those who are driving Ferrari.  You won't be able to imagine what it is unless you have a lot of money.  I can't either but at least I can understand on the abstract.  

And yes, I am envious of Ferrari drivers lols.  
@andy2 - "high-end" isn't an interesting term. Is it high-end or not? What if it's only mid-end? What if it's 53.5678124326243% high-end? It's just not an interesting term. obviously.

How about "leggy"?  
@Andy, "high-end" is of no interest to me. I have no problem differentiating the two.
It has nothing to do with you.  I am just saying about this forum which is both "audio" and "high-end", and whether you like it or not, it's not my problem really.  

 It's not a "high end" forum. It's an audio forum.
I think this is both "audio" and "high-end" forum rolled into one.  Anyway, it's hard to separate the two.  Most regular people probably have some inexpensive receivers bought from Fry's Electronics.  A 1000 dollar separate amp probably considered "high-end" to most people.

Wilson could re-badge stagger and stack several crap 901’s in 2 columns paint product high gloss Tremclad yellow....And many a Yum Yum would line up with thousands to purchase.... Idiots

Arm chair quarterback is alive and well.  Most of the time though, it's more like couch potato quarterback unfortunately and sadly.  The final fate for most of them.  

Did Aston Martin make James Bonds or vice versa? Is it the chicken or the egg?  If James Bonds is a real person, then maybe the answer is a bit more obvious.
People are so naive ... a $190K SUV from a crappy company called Aston Martin is like a base starting price.  There's another world out there beyond the "normal".  

$800,000 speakers

There is a saying on wall streets "If you owe me 1000 dollars, it's your problem.  If you owe me $7Mil dollars, it's my problem"

It all boils down to what my very wise father (RIP) once told me...he said son do not ever forget “there is an a-- for every seat.” Case closed.
Every seat needs an a-- otherwise the theater would be empty.  Where I came from, that's how people make money.  Unless you won a lottery in which case I can understand you don't care.  

That must be some old saying. These days, $ 7 000 000 probably does not warrant its own.
That's true.  The amount of money on wall streets nowaday is just unreal.  It's hard to imagine how the FED and wall streets together can play this game ...  ad nfinitum  ..... without any eventual consequences.  

Anyway, on a side note that maybe related.  McLaren supercars and Ferrari supercars tend to have similar MSRP.  But a used Ferrari will tend to keep its values very well and in some cases, rises in values.  On the other hand, McLaren cars do not keep their values very well. 

The point here is it's the market that determines the value of something, not the manufacturer.  I mean you can say your product will cost an x-amount, but it will only worth that much if the market decides to pay for that. 

If nobody is willing to pay Wilson 20K for a paint job, you can bet your little johnny Wilson is not going to charge that next time. 
An old Russian saying is big house is on rutted foundation.
Big house definitely makes for a nice listening space though.

Yes, it's all relative.  When I just graduated from college, the only thing I could afford was a $200 dollar receiver, and I looked at some pre-amp combo within $2.5K range and I thought those were "unobtainable".  
The thing was $65. So i don’t know what’s worse, a $27,500 paint job, or putting in a $65 mid in a six figure speaker, even worse, both!
You can look at it both ways:
1. The SB woofer is way underpriced.
2. Or the Wilson is way overpriced.
Or both are way overpriced.

Or looking at it another way, the cabinets are smoking killing hot.

Or may be Wilson is using top of the line Mundorf silver gold oil with a mix of Vaseline for lubrication.