24/96 where to buy?

Does anyone know who sells the new 24/96 audio discs, preferably online? I have only found 1 so far, acousticsounds.com. Thanks.
I don't know where you are located, but here in the Greater Seattle Area Silver Platters has a good selection of SACD, 24/96 and even DTS music discs. As for online, check out the site of Music Direct. Be careful when you enter the URL, though, as there is an "a" at the start of it. Try them at www.amusicdirect.com. Good luck!
CDNOW.COM also stocks Chesky, JVC, etc. But, you need to be careful of how you search their site. Be specific about label/artist info.
Amazon.com stocks a number of 24/96 discs from Chesky. You can get virtually everything that's out there from elusivedisc.com. I've had a good experience with both although I find Amazon has better prices.
You can get Classic's ones at their website (classicrecs.com). MusicDirect in Chicago is another source, although I don't have their web address.