220 power conversion to 110.

What ills should I expect running a 220 volt Jadis JS2 thru a up down converter to acheave 110 volts. How big of a job would it be to just have it wired to 110 and would the answer be the same for amps and preamps as well? Also if you know a good general audio repair man in the Houston area for issues as they come up please let me know.

Showing 1 response by mechans

I own a DA-60 integrated amp know of a guy in Long Island N.y., he is an authorized Jadis repairman . I have root around for his name and address. There is a dealer in Florida who mighty be able to help you I suggest you do a search to find him, but be forwarned anybody who calls themselves an Audio Salon might offer what you want but the price...well... that's another matter.