2023 Florida Audio Expo Show Report

This is one of the very best deals so far at the show ! The Prototype Eminent Technology Model 18 LS System for.. $15K, that is for All the Gear Too !.. They might get...

"Best Of Show too" ! 😲




Showing 1 response by ricevs

What was discussed was a proto he made for his friend.....using 8 inch drivers and even larger panels......There is no mention of TWO versions. Obviously, IF a version with 8s and larger panels were ever to be made....it would probably cost at least $10K more.and be larger and less room friendly. Rick2000 is already saving for his fantasy Clarisys speakers and now he is saving for the fantasy ET speakers. I wonder what he will be excited about next. At the rate of savings.....when will you buy one of these speakers? Nice window shopping!

I think the ET speakers are an amazing deal. The description sheet shown in the Youtube video said you could use your own amps on the mids and highs.....The amps included are probaby multichannel Ice or Hypex.....you can do better than that. There was no mention of whether the speaker needs an analog input or can it do digital straight in.....more info coming, I am sure. Looks like an amazing speaker....No, I am not saving up to buy one.....he he. Way out of my price range.. I make my own speakers for pennies that sound amazing.