2023 Audio System Wish List

I’ve been doing this for years now- and it’s time for our 2023 wish list!

in 2022, I put together a very effective bedroom system- Wharfedale Diamond 12.2 speakers on Monoprice stands driven by an NAD 316BEE V2 integrated amp, fed by a Bluesound Node (n130). As a result of moving my node out of my main system I bought an Auralic Aries G1 for streaming in my main system.

My main goal for 2023 is to explore and add more music. Streaming has been a fantastic way of exploring new to me music, and in some instances after streaming an album, I also wound up buying it on vinyl.

What’s your audio goal for 2023. A new preamp? A DAC? Music?

Enjoy 🥂




Showing 6 responses by elliottbnewcombjr


thanks for the good wishes and offer to help. Luckily it's my right foot, so I can drive some. 

I got home from the hospital, thinking " where am I gonna put the rolling rack" with bag of antibiotic like they use in hospital. Happy surprise, a pressurized bag, shaped like a small nerf ball, fits in your pocket, very easy.

Listen More, systems done.

I'm retired, and house bound, more time than ever: but I got an infection in my foot, got in the bone, that's no joke. Now I am on antibiotics for 6 weeks, 2 weeks left. (pressurized bag in your pocket, for 2 hours each day, not the biggest hardship).

13 days in hospital earlier, you don't realize how much strength you lose, I got home, fell down twice, that bummed me out. Even your ankles get weak, lose your balance, no ankle strength to prevent the fall.

Excercise, got some strength, still been bummed out. look at my system, lp's scattered on the table, eh, watch stupid TV until my ass hurts. Read some.

When friends come, typically 1/week, a listening we go, but holidays, people are with their families.

I inherited 4,000 LP's, lots I want to play, and if unliked, give or sell. Just lost my energy, plus gotta keep my foot up a lot.

Not wanting pity, but it feels good to unload!



Good idea. After this finishes healing, and some bones grow back in there, I have one more surgery to remove a spacer put in there so the toe doesn't shorten while those bones grow toward each other.. I tend to grow a lot of calcium, have had many joints cleaned out, 22 surgeries, spacer will be 23.

Mom's 100th Birthday in Maine Jan 16th, that will be fun.

duh, I said right, but it's my left foot, so I can drive with my my right foot some, I'm in USA

bounced back some

listening, new friend, audio engineer, bass player, guitar collector, composer

we listened, mainly guitar, highlights ’Friday Night In San Francisco’ (Al de Miola one of his favorites), Jose Feliciano ’Hey Jude’ form his 10-23 album. 8 minute track, terrific display of his talents.

He was very impressed by the 3 arm TT and the sound/imaging of the system. He said "I thought I had a great setup, this is awesome". Always nice to hear from a pro.