2021 audio system wish list

So, what changes, if any, are you planning to your system for 2021? 

Showing 13 responses by glupson


"....checking his bumper stickers would be my 1st thought."

I forgot to take the price sticker off of my left shoe. Thanks for letting me know.

Sorry guys, I am gulity as charged. Unfortunately, tempers run high and people get hurt because of misinformation they are presented on weird unrelated Internet fora.

"It's one thing to post a link to a chart that South Dakota posts and quite another to see news reports on adherence."

If this chart below is anything to go by, South Dakota is a little ahead of doing its part. Check "vaccinated per capita". Three times better than California and even New York.

It is one thing to have beliefs and quite another to see news reports on adherence.

How Florida ranks in administering the coranavirus vaccines (tampabay.com)

Now, back to reality.
"Is this a health issue, or is it really a political one?

Who knows?"

I do.

This thread, surprisingly, made me start thinking of what I could do audio-wise. As soon as the weather gets better, I will order an equipment rack I have been considering for some time. Maybe even some of millercrabon's Corning 703 treatments.

"Nowadays, anyone has 5 free minutes to go and check the record..."

No offense, but the only reason I did go and check the facts about things you erroneously claimed is because I remember you frequently posting inaccurate "facts" that suited your narrative, but were way off the truth. "Medical student vs. doctor in the ER" and similar alternative truths.

No matter what you claim, an official state website is more credible source about that state’s vaccination plans than your wishful thinking.

"All of the states shipments of vaccine were shorted at an average of 40%. This is malfeasance, pure and simple."

Pure and simple? Less you understand, purer and simpler it becomes. For start, make the list of the people who will administer vaccines and at what locations. Make sure you have enough personnel everywhere to satisfy some Internet warrior's wishes. Next step, make sure all the refrigeration is available at those spots and people handling it will be in synch. Otherwise, some of the vaccine will go to waste.

Once you have done that, check with manufacturer how many doses they can produce a day.

And that is not even scraping the surface.

"That was the original plan for inoculation, but it has since been changed. 74 and under will get the vaccine with the general public. Whenever that is"

The link that I posted was from the Michigan government's official website as of last night. Even now, I tried to find any amend to that on the Internet with no success. As of now, it seems that it stands firm that you are in Phase 1C. Stay calm, it is coming to the provider near you way before it is coming to ordinary 16-year-olds. No need for bitterness. I am not trying to argue, but to shed some light on possible rumours. As Michael Jackson said "'cause the lie becomes the truth". No need to be upset about information that may not be accurate.

An unofficial source seems to agree...

The COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan in Michigan (aarp.org)


"I can't believe someone would post such easily provable false things as a way to whitewash matters."

I thought so, too. That is why I checked what states are actually following. I apologize if it clashes with your erroneous beliefs.

If your state is Michigan, you might have misunderstood the immunization plan.

"But, our dim witted Governor has decided that anyone under age 74 waits for the vaccine as 16 year old’s do. All others are ahead in the line."
16-year-olds you seem to be referencing are not just any of the 16-year-olds. They are somewhat different category...

"Phase 1C includes other essential workers, persons 65 to 74 years of age, and individuals 16 to 64 years of age with underlying medical conditions."

It also seems not to be random decision by a dim-witted Governor...

"MDHHS is following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations for prioritization of distribution and administration of COVID-19 vaccines for adults."

" CDC and ACIP have defined populations for different vaccination phases "

I hope it clarifies confusion and puts your mind at ease. You are in a relatively high priority group and "all others" are, in fact, behind you in Group (Phase) 2.

MI_COVID-19_Vaccination_Prioritization_Guidance_710349_7.pdf (michigan.gov)

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ Updated Interim Recommendation for Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine — United States, December 2020 | MMWR (cdc.gov)
"At the current rate of vaccinations, it will take about 10 years to immunize American citizens."

Current rate is limited, in part, by vaccine availability. It is expected to increase substantially in coming months rendering the above comment/calculation pointless.

However, even at current, clearly increasing, rate of 255 000 doses delivered daily it would take much less than 10 years to immunize all American citizens. It would take 3.5 years for a dose and, assuming no increase in anything, 7 years for two doses per person.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations - Statistics and Research - Our World in Data

Speaking of additional incorrect insinuations...

South Dakota follows the CDC plan...

COVIDVaccineDistribution_Phase1.pdf (sd.gov)

and Florida prioritizes people over 65 even more than CDC plan...

LG-BIZHUB-20201223003549 (flgov.com) 
"...the lack of serious attention and malfeasance resulting in over 250,000 needless deaths and people here who could have avoided getting it as a result..."

We are talking about Spain, Italy, Russia, and United Kingdom here?

"Needless" seems to be an imprecise word. Which deaths are commonly considered "needed"? How about "unfortunate" instead?

What state is that?

As far as audio goes, maybe a new amplifier in one of the next new years.