2019 300B tubes that are worth the money?

OK, I'm not a super rich audiophile that has unlimited money to blow.  I have a pair of Cary 300 CAD300-SE monoblocks i bought used that currently have a pair of TJ/Full music tubes in them.  I am, overall, very happy with the sound.  So does anyone have a strong opinion that any of the $1000 a pair current production 300b tubes are really worth the money over my $300 pair?  Would my money be better spend on a needle upgrade for my turntable?  :-)

Showing 1 response by ledoux1238

Mactone MH 300b stereo amps with factory supplied Electro - Harmonix tubes. 
The amp has been in use for over a month. It is a 22 w push pull class AB design, not single ended. And they are driving Eminent Technology LFT-8b’s ( 83 dB ) with amazing ease. I don’t know if the selection of 300b’s are less critical in a push - pull configuration than SET. However, I am in no hurry to try new tubes. And I am enjoying very  the amount of information provided here regarding the various 300b’s.