2017 Honest Cabling that doesn’t promote bankruptcy

Looking for experiences and recs for current mid to upper mid level cabling solutions

I’m talking about ICs and Speaker cables that do not require plans for high jacking an armored car with a couple gallons of chloroform and a helicopter with a really big magnet?

Neither is it a matter of seeking out an ‘all system’ same brand and model loom, though it could be.

In Your opinion and or experience which signal cables (or mix of) have proven themselves recently to enable a revealing system to maintain or demonstrate its integrity, truth and musicality on its best level?

Or, in other words, With which current line of wires or ‘cables’ would you feel very confident using to connect your upscale stereo outfit in 2017?

New, or pre-owned?

… and why, please?
Thanks so very much. j

Showing 9 responses by hifiman5

I would encourage you to consider Clear Day interconnects and speaker cables.  All cables are made of soft annealed silver and made for you by the designer, Paul Laudati.  He would be happy to discuss your system and how his cable offerings may or may not suit your equipment needs and listening preferences.

PS  Paul offers a completely free trial period!
clarification to barbapapa above...The Parts Connexion is located in Ontario, Canada.
+1 milpai   Paul at Clear Day lets you try them at no cost.  If they don't work for your rig, send them back. The details I am hearing without treble emphasis is fascinating.  You can listen further into the music, enjoying details that you may not have heard before.  
If they still have them, go for the Colorado.  Much better bass impact.  I tried both!
@ebm I'm not sure how cables can be dishonest as that is a human vice.  AND...the Columbias and Colorados are on a half price closeout sale.  My entire system is interconnected with Colorados.  Nice.
@rotarius   Perhaps...but the one big advantage of the AQ interconnects is the 72V DBS system.  Once you  fire up your system you are getting 100% performance.  No cable run-in needed.
rotarius and folkfreak    Agree with both of you!  DBS keeps the dielectric in shape After you break in the cables originally.  Connector, conductor quality and dielectric always make a difference in my cable experiences.
PS  I am listening to "The Magnificent Steinway" by Hyperion Knight on an FIM CD.  I've never heard a piano sound more like the real thing and that is saying something as I have great vinyl of Nojima's recordings with Reference Recordings and Wilson Audio piano LPs.
It's good to hear acknowledgement of conductor quality's contribution to superior signal transference and hence to the sound quality of an audio system.  The other two big factors would be dielectric quality and implementation along with connector quality.  If the cable is manufactured well you should be good to go.

The "X" factor in all of this is knowing your system and what to you is great sound along with the ability to select quality cables with all of the above factors in evidence that will sing in your system.  

That, for me, is the most satisfying part of the audiophile thing...knowing how to tweak the sound of your system to get what to you allows well recorded music to sound the most like the real thing.  Once there?  Focus on and enjoy the music!