2 vidar 1’s or 1 vidar 2?

Hey all,  I have Kef r300’s I’m driving with a Cronus magnum ii right now.  I’m switching to separates with a tube pre and looking at the vidar(s) as a good amp for their sensitivity and power needs.  I haven’t heard the vidar 1 or 2 but with the prices being where they are, it’s not much more to get 2 vidar 1’s used than to get a used vidar 2.  I have a 12x15’ room and I am not pushing really high volumes ever.  I listen to indie rock and indie pop mostly, but folk and everything else in rotation.  I’m looking to get the most physicality and palpability out of the speakers I have ( wife does not want a sub) without sacrificing clarity or imaging, so I’m trying to decide which route to go.  Is the vidar much better/different and in what ways? Much appreciate your thoughts 


Correct - bridged amps are more sensitive to impedance dips than non-bridged. I wasn't suggesting an Aegir for you, but rather trying to say with your room size and lack of need for high volumes I think a single Vidar 2 would be great. I have no problems with the Aegir running a pair of 88 dB sensitive Ohm 1000s in a room 50% larger than yours with vaulted ceilings. (85 dB is pretty close to my max volume these days.)   Note that for new gear, Schiit does have a return policy. You can try it for 15 days with a 5% restocking fee if you send it back.  Or you could get a single Vidar 1 used and see how you like it. Schiit gear has a solid resale market if you decide to move on from there. 

if you are worried about 2 ohm, you better ask Schiit about a bridged Vidar into 2 ohms, as they only rate a single amp into 4 ohms, with no 4 ohm rating for bridged...,often bridged amps don't like 4 or 2 ohms...

Thanks for the link.  My only concern with the aegir is that my R300’s dip down to 2 ohm on the impedance curve.  I hear the aegirs can go into protection with loads like that 

Jason Stoddard is one of the owners of Schiit and the head designer of their preamps and power amps. Here’s his explanation of the difference between the original Vidar and the Vidar 2. The link is to the specific post on the Head-fi web site; scroll down about 4 posts.

BTW, I have an Aegir and its power is fine with my speakers at my preferred medium volume listening levels (though I do run a subwoofer which takes the bass load off the Aegir.)