2.0 or 3.0 or 4.0 for HT Movie Audio?

I'm simplifying my life on the audio end. Consolidation of my separate HT room and 2ch room to one room has me doing some out of the speaker-box thinking.

Just to be upfront, I do love 5.1 and this is what I would prefer, and may end up there anyways.

My question only applies to Blu Ray and DVD movie playback.

Curious if Audiogon Members have lived with and enjoyed any of these configurations, i.e.:

- 2.0 (L/R) or

- 3.0 (L/R/C) or

- 4.0 (L/R/SrL/SrR) [no center]

What have your experiences and impressions been? Any lessons learned?

Note: I'm keeping things simple by eliminating the subs; I am satisfied with the lf performance and extension I'm getting from my current speakers on movie sound tracks.


- David.

Showing 3 responses by david_ten

Just for clarification, I can run a sub or subs in a .1 or .2 configuration, just prefer not to at this time.

So if you are running a sub or subs, would like to hear your impressions as well (don't mean to suggest I'm only looking for feedback from those with sub-less configurations).
Thanks to everyone who has posted. Healthy feedback regarding the benefits (and limitations) of each configuration.

- Byron: You said: "I am currently listening in 3.1, and it is a very close approximation of 5.1. In some ways, I prefer it to 5.1." Can you explain further?

I was able to test a 2.0 downmix via PCM out from the bdp to my DAC with a few movies.

The center imaging is very stable and the timing matches the video lip movement. There are usually only two of us watching movies, so we are sitting in a very central position to the speakers.


- Drew: I plan on bypassing processing (when I get the Oppo 95/93) by using the analog outputs of the bdp. Any issues doing it this way given your comments re processing?
An update.

Still playing with 2.0 for movies and have been pleased with the results from two separate sets of speakers: the Vaughn Pinots and Gemme Tanto V2s. Need to get the Charios into rotation next.

Once I move some gear, I will make a final determination.

In the meantime, if other Audiogoners have some thoughts and their personal experiences to share, definitely post.

- David.