I'm 14 in a detached garage converted into a teenage playground with a waterbed, blacklights, SS Japanese silver behemoths,  and speakers hanging inside nets. Admit it you were there once. Anyone have thoughts on the nets as a viable option for speakers? (Can't believe I remember this....pretty hazy in that garage.) Joe

Showing 2 responses by bigkidz

In high school my friends brother was at MIT and he helped us design what we called Bose 1801s Twice the size of the originals. He calculated the interior volume etc., and we build those suckers. Had a realistic 18 band EQ and we had them suspended from the basement ceiling by cables. They sounded awesome. Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon was spectacular!

I bought some power amps from Tech HiFi and Johnny R from Audio (John Rutan)  Connection was the sale guy!   Either Phase Linear or SAE power amps I forget now.

Thanks for posting the memories!

@audioconnection - remmeber Tech HiFi?


Strawberry Alarm Clock the incents and peppermints song was the guy from Lynyrd Skynyrd who wrote the Sweet Home Alabama riff.  he wanted to play in a psychedelic band back then.  A friend of the band visited with them and that guy sand the peppermints song.  he was not a member of the band and never joined the band.  Go Figure.