I was in checking tubes out on BJ’s website and saw he had Ge/ Kentucky Radio pewter plates in stock. You might want to inquire on those. A little more cost than the Tungsram and Ge long gray plates. They are exceptional ...as good as RCA black plates. Probably the best Ge 12ax7.
Showing 3 responses by tksteingraber
I have a Black Ice Dac and have rolled many tubes. I prefer a warmer tube so my favorites are Mullard f91/92 long plates late ‘50’s are just exceptional. Pricey not overrated in my ears but the real deal. Close second are ‘50’s Rca long Black Plates are excellent. Sylvania Gold Brand 5751 3 mica black plates are another pricey tube and excellent. 5751’s have plenty of gain and I don’t notice a difference. I had early ‘60’s GE long gray plate (2 staple holes on each side of the gray plates) these don’t get much love but they are almost as good as the RCA black plates very nice durable tubes.. Telefunken’s were too clean and bright for me and feel they are overrated for their price.. They do work well in my phono pre though...good luck on your search. It’s a fun journey. |
@bigmac1963 Tungsram make great tubes I would expect you will be very happy with them. I have some Tungsram 70’s 12at7’s in my raven amp and they are my best sounding 12at7. Great dynamics, soundstage and clarity. I have not heard their 12ax7’s. Brent is 👍 |