I think you would have better off upgrading the power cord to the Nordost Blue Heaven or Red Dawn. I did this in the past and it blew my mind. I would definitely buy used which will be easy because Nordost just upgraded their Leif line. The one cavity to this is the New Nordost blue Heaven power cable is the same guage as the Old Red Dawn power cable. If you can find an old 2 meter Red Dawn power cable at 40% + off retail you will be set. The power cable made a bigger difference in sound on Home theater than the speaker cable did. Probably because it has so much DSP. You give it a good RFI/ EMI filter power cord like Nordost you won’t believe your ears. I say return the speaker cable. Guage is more important.
12 wire compared to Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cable?
This week I will get my new (to me) Denon 697ci to drive my Polk 8-T monitors. I have been using heavy gauge (12) speaker wire, but have a pair of Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cables coming. Will these cables sound any better than heavy speaker wire?