12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus

Rather interesting info here. Says a lot about popular culture.

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Showing 16 responses by rok2id

If Mozart can be thrown in a pauper's grave, in his twenties, then there can be no greater outrage in music.
'classical music is the highest acheivement of the wetern world'

Or any other world!! It conquers everyhere it goes. Witness all the asian artist.
You left off the most important non-musical event:

Magna Carta

This is the only one I put above music.
'What is it again that makes classical music so much better than all the rest?'

The fact that the most advanced civilization / culture on the planet produced it. And that culture has spread around the world. Most of the world, is now in effect, European. Including the USA and Miss Kesha. :)
on a more positive note, A Great one you may have missed on CD:

Telemann & The Baroque Gypsies
Ensemble Caprice
Matthias Maute

Analekta Label AN 2 9919
The great Composers you listed were long dead by the time of the Nazi's. I don't see the connection? And I know this is a audio/music thread, But just a quick point:
EVERY country in europe (save Britain) contributed fighting units to fight with and for, the Nazi regime. Including troops from the Soviet Union. The germans had plenty of help. Many, Many Europeans saw the Germans as fighting for Christian Europe, against Communist Russia, and sent troops to fight on the eastern front..
Rja: 'The nazis really liked Wagner'
Hitler liked Wagner. Where did the idea come from that the nazis had some great appreciation of classical music? They were bigoted murdering thugs. Thats all.

Martykl: 'Posters might want to remain a bit sensitive to the merits of historically African (or other non-Western culture) based art forms'

Such As?
'Contemporary music based on historically African musical forms (I'm specifically thinking of the blues - but jazz, rock, and some contemporary Western classical music also qualifies), often reflects a different ideal:'

All of the of music you listed is 'western' music. I assume you meant African-American, if so, it's all western culture. Let's keep the true meaning of 'culture' in mind. It's one of the most misused words. There is only one culture in the USA.

I did not mean to imply that classical music makes western people better than others, no more than BMW and MB make germans better. It's just the facts. Classical music is complex, requires large groups playing different parts, has withstood the test of time and it is Written down. This seperated it from most of the world's music back in that time. Nowadays, after the masters have spoken, there is not a lot left to say. And this is true for Jazz and pop also. happy listening.

Be nice. After all, this is an age in which all things have to be treated and valued equally. Otherwise big brother will fall on you. And he is heavy.
Another example of over rated western music.

Boston Baroque
Martin Pearlaman

a different sort of Messiah. Smaller group. Great stuff.
"The are just over 300 million people in this country and (last I looked) +/- 30 classical radio stations (not one of which is economically self-sufficient). As a statistical matter, virtually no one cares about Mozart."

Interesting, when I think of classical music I don't even think of this country. Europe is the birth place and center. Read!! Classical music is not a niche market in Europe. It is alive and well.
I would not tie the importance, influence and above all the staying power of classical music to market share. The best of any art, engineering or any other endeavor is most often just enjoyed by the few. it would seem to me, looking from afar that the UK has a very robust classical music enviroment. The many orchestras and the Proms etc.... they seem to promote and nuture their young artist.
"French students at the table has no idea what that meant."

which tells you all you need to know about that ridiculous country.