12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus

Rather interesting info here. Says a lot about popular culture.

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Showing 6 responses by rja

A lot of chamber music was written so groups of amateurs could play it at home.
Mozart died at 35 or 36 not in his twenties, not that it really matters.
So, the music scene in most of our opinions has gone cheesy. Although I have to agree I don't know what to say about it.
It is what it is and nothing can change it. It's simply evolution. I have no choice but to accept it.
But we don't have to like it!
The nazis really liked Wagner. I believe none of his music was played in Israel until very recently, like in the last year or two.
Can't say I blame them.
The nazis liked Wagner because he wrote antisemitic articles and harbored antisemitic sentiments. Plus his music glorified Germanic myths and history. I'm certainly not claiming that the nazis had any particular liking for classical music, only if it served their needs and their image of themselves.

In fact many "decadent" composers and other artists were maligned and persecuted, Jewish or not. Past composers with Jewish roots, such as Mendelsohnn, were looked down upon even though he was a Christian.

Sadly, Jewish composers who were not able to escape met worse fates.
Back to the original "12 Facts". They are facts, no big whoop, things have changed; that was then, this is now.
Who expects the Beatles to be the biggest thing for all time?

Disappointing, encouraging, neutral (where I fit in, I guess) depends on ones perspective.

Thanks "buzzfeed" for stimulating some interesting discussion! Better "buzzfeed" than "buzzkill" I always say. 8^)
PS: I've never actually said that but I thought it was catchy.