10k system for ultimate image density at 70-75db?

mid sized acoustically treated room
10k used
low listening levels - 70 to 75 db
performers are in the room rather than "i´m there"
ultimate image density
excellent instrument separation - easy to follow
like amplified music - not unplugged
kind of "music into mechanical energy transformer"

my first guess : ohm walsh + nuforce

Showing 4 responses by stonedtemplepilot

regarding the electrostats...

while electrostats can draw a really fine and lifelike picture at low levels - they cannot deliver weighty snap, or the driving force as deep foundation behind that so beautyfull but light produced picture.

but thanx for every input
i throw some more keywords in here - hopefully somebody experienced will find in here...

image solidity low volume full bodied pithily grunt weight earthed inner detail rock solid

where is the least screaming speaker which delivers more powerful earthy inner detail and snap (weight & speed) at 70 db than any other ?

the reason why i like to listen at 70-75db is because most speakers start to scream at higher levels - my ears couldnt stand that.

i would like to listen at higher levels to gain more musical energy - if just the speakers wouldnt scream at all.

so the simple question would be :

least screaming speaker/amp combination with great instrument separation that delivers high energy and comes to live as early as possible ? (ok lets say 80db)

maybe i should also move to a larger room with larger speakers if i like to get the highest possible energy.
thanx for your help !

text time i´m in ny i have to listen to

ohm walsh
sp tech timepiece 3.0
harbeth monitor 30

happy to see more comments