$1000 (used ok) Streamer Dac recommendation please

My vinyl is down for a few months so I thought I'd maybe grab a streamer dac to listen to.  Separates or one piece doesn't matter. Any suggestions? Is there an older dac that's a good value. 

Thanks in advance!


Showing 2 responses by jjss49

+1 @mesch

i have a zenstream now, in addition to using sonore's optical rendu setup as renderers w roon... one usb out one clean spdif coax out, both are excellent

there are numerous youtube vids on the zenstream, it is a very very nice sounding unit, but some issues experienced by many (which may have been resolved now, via firmware updates) when using wifi

i myself use ethernet, the unit (while admittedly looking a little like a martian toy) works very well, sounds very pure

i still have my trusty nodes (2i and 3) but they are relegated to back up duty, will move to other lesser applications as endpoints as occasion arises

agree with fuzztone that bluesound node (current or 2i) is a very good starter streamer/dac - streamer is quite good, dac is decent, but can certainly be bettered in terms of sound quality

others to consider used are innuos zen mini and auralic aries mini, both excellent values for the money for one box streamer+dac, cambridge makes a decent one too