10 sonically best rock recordings ?

In your opinion what are the 10 sonically best rock recordings ?

Showing 2 responses by ohlala

Depeche Mode's 'Exciter', Moby's "Play", Doors (only the records), Depeche Mode compilation HDCD 'Music for the Masses', Type O Negatives's 'Bloody Kisses', Aphex Twin's 'Selected Ambient Works v2' (i call this rock), Alice In Chains 'Unplugged' and 'Jar of Flies', Prick's only album, and Strapping Young Lad's 'S.Y.L.'. Ministry Psalm 69 too. Depeche Mode, Moby, Type O and Ministry have an ultra-produced sound quality that I find appropriate for thier albums, but falls flat on some other band's albums that I did not include on the list. Listening to 'Selected Works' IS floating in sound, and the guitars on SYL are very tidal, the biggest i have ever heard. In conclusion, I agree with the kids above, the 4AD albums are very good.
Gregg, sorry, it is called 'for the Masses'. It is pretty good. A lot of people like the smashing pumpkins version of 'never let me down again', I like Rabbit in the Moon's 'Waiting for the Night'. http://www.cdnow.com/cgi-bin/mserver/SID=1250638954/pagename=/RP/CDN/FIND/discography.html/ArtistID=FOR+THE+MASSES%3A+DEPECHE+MODE+TRIBUTE+%5C+VARIOUS