10 gauge power cord. Too much power for tube amp?

Tube amplifiers tend to be sensitive on incoming voltages. Is there a chance a bigger gauge power cord like 10 gauge may not be a good thing?

My amplifier tends to shut down occasionally upon start up. maybe moving to a higher gauge might be better. Does it matter?


Showing 1 response by kraftwerkturbo

Isn't ALL our equipment running on DC (internally)? With all the discussion (in the esoteric faction here) about power to feed them, why is no one making (or offering a stripped down version without power supply) DC equipment (from DAC to amp to transort, etc)? All we then need is the battery section (of a photovoltaic system) and gone are all our 'power cord', 'clean power', etc discussions. We can still continue blowing pixel dust over the interconnect cables, turn tables, vinyl washers, etc, so no esotericer will be seriously harmed by the loss.