

Discussions zuio has started

Resolution audio cantata mc 2.0 Upnp streaming quality?33531
Best imaging up to 3k used?267218
Most coherent low volume speaker with very fast bass under 10k used?451925
Most detailed budget power cord under 150$ used?806619
Furman power conditioner on SMPS amps?16962
Please Recommend Audiophile Solo Piano Recordings1322416
Sugden SE CLASS A alternative? Immediacy AND definition under 3k 2nd hand?62711
Liveley high current integrated that gets the 1st Watt right?18062
EL34 SE as stable with complex music as EL84 PP ?38287
Fast & open sounding amp with great imaging 2k26309
Bright & fast speaker cables with great imaging ?559815
"Tube Devialet" - The ifi retro stereo 50 amp/dac54791
Low heat alternative to FIRSTWATT J2 ?887337
Melodious Jazz Funk Soul Album with great drumming19985
Power blackouts - problem for tube amp & speakers697912