

Responses from zephyr24069

Purepower 2000+ and 3000+ actual availability???
Purepower: Over the past 10-12 months, we've heard all the background on how challenging it's been, the fight with members of your old company after the fracture, how it's taken time to setup your production facilities, challenges with shipping, r... 
Purepower 2000+ and 3000+ actual availability???
My dealer is still waiting for a new PP 3000+ or 2000+ unit to arrive that he and I can both audition. There have been no responses as of late to requests for status. I am hopeful that this will change, the problem will resolve and a unit that doe... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Legacy Focus SE...with this rig they amaze me at what they are able to produce! Thinking of upgrading to the one of the following; new Focus SE with AMT tweeter assembly, Legacy AERIS (amazing speaker), or Legacy Whisper DSW edition once power sub... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Esoteric P-03U, D-03 (current), G-03x clock, C-03 pre-amp, Edge NL 12.1 stereo reference amp (soon to be Maker Audio NL14+ stereo custom build), Purepower 2000 APS, many Elrod Statement Gold next-generation power cords and interconnects, Kubala So... 
Has anyone listened to Legacy speakers?
Tobb: While I agree with you that you ultimately will not know what an active speaker truly sounds like until it is dialed into the room that is to be its home, I do not agree that if you hear something in a demo environment (where the speaker is ... 
Has anyone listened to Legacy speakers?
Thanks Tobb, looks like 4-channels are needed in the current build generation. The ones online with 6-channels of Wavac amplification, etc...that I saw must have been custom build or 1st generation. 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Pharma007: Thanks for the advice and thoughts on how to best leverage the D-02 for SACD! 
Legacy Audio AERIS: RMAF/listening impressions?
Cobraman: I just saw your system thread...the new Aeris look great in your room. They are visually stunning on top of an amazing sounding speaker. Glad to hear you are happy with them and have them dialed into your room! 
Has anyone listened to Legacy speakers?
Thanks Tobb....that makes sense. Have a great day! 
Maker Audio NL14 and NL14+...
Thanks again Manodyo for the detailed feedback. As some more time has passed and they are surely well broken in by now, can you let me know what you are hearing in more detail?Thanks! I am getting closer to a decision to move up from NL 12.1 and I... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Eelii & Pharma: I am thinking of taking a step-wise upgrade path with my P-03U/D-03 combo over the next year and was thinking of upgrading my D-03 to D-02 and keeping my clock and P-03U transport. I know there are modes above 176.4 that are no... 
Esoteric K-01
Has anyone heard (and bought) the Estoeric P-02 D-02 combo as yet? I am interested in particular in the performance of the D-02 as compared to the older D-02 as I may take a step-wise approach to upgrading my P-03U/D-03 combo. 
Esoteric P-02 / D-02 sound
I was hoping at this point that someone would have posted listening impressions of the P-02 and D-02. I am hopeful that reviving this thread will yield some better results! 
Has anyone listened to Legacy speakers?
Tobb: Thanks for letting me know these are not the pair from STL (I put '(?)' as I was not sure). I am confused on one point however and that is the spec. for AERIS is similar to Focus SE (around the 200 lb) mark and the Helix is listed at 320 lbs... 
Has anyone listened to Legacy speakers?
No I am not but thank you for asking...I think I know the pair you may be offering and believe they are the pair I heard in STL(?). Regardless, I loved how they sounded and what they did but I do not want to embark on a path that commits me to all...